Wednesday, December 25, 2013

News station attacks bronies rant.

Hello everybody. I wanna get this off of my chest so... I'm gonna do a blog about this video of a local FOX station attacked bronies. If y'all haven't seen the video yet, there's the video right here. I'm really not a Brony yet but I really disagreed everything on this video and I disliked it This video was almost 2 years old.

Okay, here's the thing. Why the fuck would they think that many bronies file for disability to watch My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic 24/7? Are they just gonna quit their jobs and future, in order to watch MLP: FiM 24/7? Really local FOX station? Bronies graduated from High School, they go to college, they look for a job until they get hired. But they're definitely NOT gonna do that kind of shit like that, which it makes VERY, VERY pointless. They can't quit their jobs and file for disability AT ALL, because people needs the money and to support themselves.

And let's go for the footage/clips from the video that was aired on National Geographic Channel as they're comparing alot of bronies with a babyman that was shown on that clip I said before. People of a local news station, WHAT THE FUCK!? This is all what you have thought of???? A babyman watches MLP 24/7. A man filed for disability, being a baby so he can watch My Little Pony. That's a fucking fail when they used the footage recorded from National Geographic Channel, which makes it unnecessary to use. They said that He used to work at Home Depot and he had to quick because many of his co-workers making fun of him being a baby in heart and complains about it. So he quit so he won't listen to this crap anymore. LOL!!!! Man, that was delusional. That is exactly not the guy shown from this babyman video, you mean, different man huh...

You know FOX (Has nothing to do with FOX news for national news), go get your facts straight and leave a bunch of bronies alone, because filling of disable to watch cartoons all days is kinda unnecessary and offensive to bronies. Men liked this show because of the animation and stories. It got alot of parody videos shown on YouTube, and they're a convention for bronies to attend. Just because they're bronies doesn't mean they're act retarded, quitting their jobs to watch this show 24/7. During they off days, they watch MLP is their spear time, that's they're hobbies outside of their job.

To all the bronies though that this is FOX News, please keep in mind that this is a local station, has nothing to do with the national news that FOX News usually producing.

You Fail FOX....

Okay, that was it for this blog, so later, and Merry Christmas.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

My review of South Park Season 17 and Episode 1: "Let Go, Let Gov".

Hello everything, today, I'm gonna do a review of First 17th season episode of South Park called "Let Go, Let Gov".

If y'all wonder why iy was aired this fall is because, it supposed to be aired this spring, but they kinda delayed to this month.

This episode was good, but they don't even curse alot as usual in the pevoius episodes. and new intro with a CGI graphics is well done and great.
It's about Cartman was talking on a phone with speakers on and the other three boys and people can hear their conversation, thought it could be epic. Many people sometimes talk on their phones with speakers on.

What is Cartman talking about was... The government is watching you. Whenever you do something in your privacy time, the government is always watching you and they well come up to you and see what you been doing. maybe something you are not supposed to do.

I agree with their situation about their privacy, the government was so hard about what people been doing, they must be checking on people doing something illegal (like pirating a movie or music song, counterfeiting, etc) or people having sex or something...

Well, my favorite line from this episode is... where Officer Barbrady at the DMV review of South Park Season 17 and Episode "1 Let Go, Let Gov"., talking about his privacy.

"And that's when I masturbated to Game of Thrones. I know it was wrong to masturbate, and I know it was especially wrong to masturbate while on duty."

I would like to think of one of my character that is a police officer, Drew Foley. He likes to masturbate himself to a sex scene (while Tony was having affair with other ladies) from The Sopranos.

Well, I give this episode a 3 out of 5, just due to low swearing, but the episode was still great and I know they just started this season this fall due to delay.

I can't wait for a next episode of South Park this Wednesday.

Well, that's the end of my review of this episode. So feel very free to comment, or do whatever you like.

See ya!

Friday, September 27, 2013

For those watched the The Michael J. Fox Show episode, "Neighbors".

If you watched the whole episode of The Michael J. Fox Show, there is a scene took place at the arcade. That guy "I don't know the character's name" was playing DDR, but onscreen, we can see the name of both song and the artist. Do you know what song he been playing? It's Suki Melo (スキ☆メロ) by Yuko Ogura (小倉優子). If y'all haven't heard of the song yet, then here goes the video.

They did play the real song, it was replaced with funny beats to it, and it sounds like they were singing in Japanese. And here goes two pictures and a video to prove it.

Well, that's it for today. Feel free to comment or follow.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Daichis - Earth Defence Family predicted 2011 5.9 Earthquake in Virgina.

When I watched the first episode of The Daichis - Earth Defence Family, I just realize that something familiar as the arrow pointing Virgina.

This episode originally aired on January 9, 2001, so fast-forward to August of 2011 where 5.9 earthquake occurred in Virgina and it was felt in the East coast.